Astra Bus services:

Develops air conditioning systems, adaptations to the specific transport operators conditions and offers mountage and specialised service.

Development, design, production, testing and homologation for components used for the production and assembly of passenger transportation vehicles.

Design and development for electric-powered vehicles with on-board power storage (vehicles with zero polluting emissions ZEV).

Modernisation of electrical powered vehicles from classic actuators to modern traction systems, in alternating current with asynchronous traction motors for trolleybuses and tramways.

Integration of various functional systems that are on-board the clasical and electrical traction vehicles, collecting data, parameters, localization of the vehicle, memorising and transmiting them in order to be tracked and analised.

Development of heating instalations, adaptations to the specific transport operators conditions and offers mountage and specialised service.
Astra Bus has executed tramway modernization as well as conversions dedicated to commercial vehicles.
Main suppliers for trolleybuses equipment:
- IVECO SPA, Italy, France – car body, equipped carbody;
- Hoerbiger/Mattei, Hungary / Italy – electrical rotating compressor;
- ICPE-SAERP Bucharest, Romania – traction system, microprocessor, power variators DC, AC, static converters for auxiliary services and aer conditioning;
- VEM Sachsenwerk Dresden, TRAKTIONSSYSTEME, Austria – traction motors;
- HUBER + SUHNER, RADOX, Germany – electrical cables and power cables;
- ICPE Bucuresti, Romania – Ultrafast single pole contractors;
- MICROELECTRICA, Italy, SCHALTBAU, Germany – power contactors;
- THOREB, Sweden, RADCOM Romania – data collecting systems, transmitiing, AVL, video surveillance system and passenger counting system;
- HANOVER, England, BUSE, RADCOM, AESYS – route indicator and passenger information;
- HUBNER – HEMSCHEID central articulation for articulated vehicles.